Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Bachelors For Link Forms To Support Alden Link, Libertarian Party Candidate For Lt. Governor Of New York

On May 24, 2010, Dr. Tom Stevens announced the formation of Bachelors For Link, a group formed to support Alden Link, the nominee of the Libertarian Party of New York for Lt. Governor in 2010.

In forming the group, Dr. Stevens said:

Bachelors often feel pressure to get married and to live a conventional lifestyle. Despite choosing to be "unattached", they often face ridicule and are the subject of "whispering campaigns" questioning their sexual orientation. We are proud to support Alden Link, the Libertarian Party's candidate for Lt. Governor of New York State, who has socially tolerant views and a principled belief that people should be able to organize their lives as they see fit without private sanction or governmental interference.

Alden Link's platform contains the following statements relevant to this issue:

People are sovereign over their own bodies and they should have the right to do with them as they please so long as they do not directly interfere with the right of others to do the same. The government should not be involved in trying to legislate morality and should not act paternalistically to protect people from making the decisions they believe are in their own best interests. Private adult consensual behavior should not be criminalized. The words contained in the United States Constitution should be interpreted to recognize that every citizen has a constitutionally protected "zone of privacy" that must not be intruded upon by the government. Gays, lesbians, bisexuals, and transgendered individuals are entitled to full equality under the law regardless of their sexual orientations or perceived gender identity or presentation.

Dallwyn Merck, President of Stonewall Libertarians New York, applauded the formation of Bachelors For Link, commenting as follows:

The formation of Bachelors For Link is a brilliant move to bring attention to Alden Link's socially progressive platform. Although people have become more tolerant since the 1940s, the fact that bachelors still face criticism by family and friends shows us how far we still have to go to obtain acceptance for all sexual and cultural minorities in this country. The formation of Bachelors For Link by Dr. Tom Stevens shows his extraordinary appreciation for history. Bravo!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Warren Redlich: Was He Ever Serious About Seeking The Republican Party's Gubernatorial Nomination?

There has been a lot of recent speculation with respect to what happened between Warren Redlich, the nominated gubernatorial candidate of the Libertarian Party of New York, and the New York Chapter of the Republican Liberty Caucus. There had been rumors that Mr. Redlich had initially sought the endorsement of the Republican Liberty Caucus but then, upon not immediately receiving it, had informed the RLCNY that he would not accept their endorsement.

Carl Svensson recently posted the following "clarification" explaining what transpired:

Warren Redlich originally asked for the endorsement of the RLCNY, and became miffed when he did not receive it more or less on the spot. Our position was that we wanted to make sure that he was a serious Republican candidate before we made a decision in this regard. At that point, Warren told us that he did not want our endorsement, nor would he accept it. Some time after this, I encouraged various Tea Party groups to invite Warren to be vetted by their membership. Obviously, some groups did extend an invitation, and at least two groups were told he could not meet with them because he did not campaign evenings or weekends. I took it from this feedback that Warren is not a serious Republican candidate. At this point, I do not believe what Warren says in his campaign for Governor is of much interest to a Republican organization such as ours.

Dr. Tom Stevens, LPQC State Representative, responded to this information as follows:

The argument made for Warren Redlich being the gubernatorial nominee of the Libertarian Party of New York was that Redlich, who was also seeking the Republican Party's gubernatorial nomination would pull 5-7% of the Republican Primary vote and that a number of the individuals supporting him there would come over to the LP line in November, which would enable him to have a shot at obtaining the 50,000 votes necessary for the Libertarian Party to obtain Minor Party status and ballot access for the next four years.

I never believed that Warren Redlich was serious about contesting for the Republican Party gubernatorial nomination. Since he said his wife wouldn't allow him to spend a dime on the statewide petition drive necessary to get him on the ballot as a Libertarian Party candidate, I could not imagine how he intended to obtain the petition signatures he needed to get on the ballot in the Republican Party Primary. It was my stated belief at the time that Mr. Redlich and his supporters were making the argument of his running for the G.O.P. gubernatorial nomination simply to improve his chances of becoming the gubernatorial nominee of the Libertarian Party. I could never figure out whether those pushing that claim knew it was false when they made it or were simply political novices puffed up with unrealistic hopes and expectations.

With Carl Svensson's revelations, it appears that other organizations also questioned whether Redlich ever seriously intended to make an effort to run in the Republican Party's Primary for Governor. We know from other reports that Warren Redlich did not travel for interviews with Republican County Committee Chairs who held forums and interviews with prospective G.O.P. gubernatorial candidates and now we learn from Carl Svensson he allegedly told some Tea Party organizations he could not meet with them because he does not "campaign evenings or weekends".

Since Warren Redlich is already the gubernatorial nominee of the Libertarian Party of New York, I urge him to take this race seriously, to spend the money necessary to obtain places on the ballot both in the Republican Party Primary and as the Libertarian Party's gubernatorial candidate this November, and to raise the funds necessary to run an organized and serious campaign. If he really doesn't campaign evenings or weekends, I wonder how much time he can steal away from his law practice during the day to engage in campaign activities. I hope his firm doesn't mind him taking an extra 15 minutes for lunch!

Warren Redlich received the gubernatorial nomination of the Libertarian Party of New York on Saturday, April 24, 2010 at the Hilton Garden Inn in Albany, New York.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Ex-Con Christopher Cantwell Banned From Libertarian Party Of Queens County Yahoo Group

Ex-Con Christopher Cantwell, who was recently nominated by the Suffolk County Libertarian Party as its candidate for United States Congress from the 1st C.D., has been banned from the Yahoo Group of the Libertarian Party of Queens County for posting defamatory statements and making public threats against Dr. Tom Stevens, LPQC's State Representative.

In a recent post to the LPNY State Committee list, Mr. Cantwell commented that Dr. Tom Stevens "is a clear problem that needs to be solved one way or another" and then went on in other posts to make the most vile defamatory statements that one could possibly make against another individual.

Dallwyn Merck, LPQC Secretary, stated: "While I support free speech to the greatest extent, deliberately malicious, untrue slanders and implied threats against an officer of the Libertarian Party of Queens County cannot and will not be tolerated especially when the person making those threats is an ex-con."

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Libertarian Party Of Queens County Endorses Wayne Allyn Root For National LP Chair

On Saturday, May 8, 2010, the Libertarian Party of Queens County endorsed Wayne Allyn Root for National LP Chair. Dr. Tom Stevens, two-term LPUS Judicial Committee member who also serves as the LPQC's State Representative to the Libertarian Party of New York, has been leading the charge to get National LP Convention delegates from New York State to endorse Wayne Allyn Root for National LP Chair.

In 2009, the Libertarian Party of Queens County succeeded in helping to elect Dan Halloran to the New York City Council. Mr. Halloran is the highest serving Libertarian Party elected official who was elected in a partisan race and is the only elected Libertarian Party Member in New York State.

In 2010, the Libertarian Party of Queens County was the only LPNY Chapter to formally endorse candidates for statewide office. Three of the four LPQC members it endorsed obtained a nomination to run for statewide office this year. They were Alden Link, LPNY Candidate for Lt. Governor; Carl Person, LPNY Candidate for Attorney General; and John Clifton, LPNY Candidate for Gillibrand's U.S. Senate Seat. The Libertarian Party of Queens County has already endorsed three candidates who are running for a seat in the New York State Assembly.

In endorsing Wayne Allyn Root, the Libertarian Party of Queens County becomes the first LPNY Chapter to formally endorse any of the candidates running for National LP Chair this year. It will do all it can to encourage delegates in New York State and other states to support Wayne Allyn Root for National LP Chair at the Libertarian Party's National Convention that will be held in St. Louis, Missouri over Memorial Day Weekend.

Carl Person Endorses Wayne Allyn Root For National LP Chair

On May 11, 2010, Carl Person announced his endorsement of Wayne Allyn Root for National Chair of the Libertarian Party.

Carl Person, who recently obtained the nomination of the Libertarian Party of New York for Attorney General, said:

I heartily endorse Wayne Allyn Root for National LP Chair. Wayne is a great public speaker, who holds his audience spellbound when he speaks. He has a message and it is convincing. He will obtain members, volunteers, contributions and converts for Libertarianism and the Libertarian Party. It would be difficult for me to think of anyone better able to lead the National Libertarian Party. Clearly, Wayne will be a major asset to the NY Libertarian Party in its 2010 election campaign.

Carl Person, the nominated candidate of the Libertarian Party of New York for Attorney General joins Alden Link, the nominated candidate of the LPNY for Lt. Governor in endorsing Wayne Allyn Root for National LP Chair. They join Sam Sloan, the State Representative of the Manhattan Libertarian Party, and Dr. Tom Stevens, the State Representative of the Libertarian Party of Queens County in leading the charge for Wayne Allyn Root supporters who are attending the Libertarian Party's National Convention in St. Louis over Memorial Day Weekend as delegates from New York State.

Stevens Urges LP Delegates In St. Louis To Oppose Efforts To Decrease Involvement In Party Affairs

Dr. Tom Stevens, two-term LPUS Judicial Committee member and State Representative of the Libertarian Party of Queens County to the Libertarian Party of New York, has urged delegates attending the Libertarian Party's National Convention in St. Louis over Memorial Day Weekend to oppose proposed bylaw amendments that would have the effect of decreasing the participation and involvement of party members in party affairs.

Dr. Stevens stated the most dangerous proposed bylaw amendment involves putting into place a new "conflict of interest" rule that will allow the national Libertarian Party leadership to target disruptive individuals serving the party on a national level and to seek their removal if they are active in another political party. Stevens said, "The LPNY has no such conflict of interest rule. We have members who are left Libertarians who are active in the Green Party and right Libertarians who are active in the Republican Party. All make positive contributions to the growth of the Libertarian Party in New York State. I would not want to see them excluded. My position is the same with respect to those party members who are active on the national level."

Another proposed bylaw amendment would again reduce the number of delegates allotted to state affiliates. The argument here is that not all the delegate slots are usually filled and that, therefore, we should reduce the number of potential delegates so the LP National Committee can plan to hold smaller conventions. Stevens said, "The Libertarian Party should be addressing this issue not by reducing the number of potential delegates but by working to increase party membership and by making the conventions more interesting so that more people will want to attend them." This same argument applies against the proposed bylaw amendment that would end the practice of holding national conventions every two-years, making them every four years instead. Stevens said, "Libertarian Party National Conventions energize activists. They then bring their enthusiasm back to their state affiliates, run for local office and recruit new party members. It is important we make those National Conventions available for people to attend every two years."

Stevens mentioned that participation by delegates and candidates at National Conventions is also being placed in jeopardy by the proposed bylaw amendment that will require 20 seconds instead of 1 for a motion to be debated and the proposed bylaw amendment that would require a higher bar for candidates seeking national office to participate in televised debates and to contest for the nomination. Stevens said, "I support increasing the opportunity for candidates to contest for the Presidential and Vice-Presidential nominations of the Libertarian Party. The more candidates there are, the more exciting the process and the more people who will choose to be involved. Similarly, requiring 20 seconds for every motion before debate can begin on an issue stifles the ability of individual delegates to have an impact on business conducted at the conventions."

Finally, the most controversial proposed bylaw amendment is the one that seeks to ban the charging of a "mandatory convention registration fee" for all attendees at LP National Conventions. Dr. Stevens made the motion putting the Libertarian Party of New York on record against charging a "floor fee" for delegates attending the LP National Convention. Stevens said, "The proposed bylaw amendment seeking to ban a mandatory convention registration fee requires a 2/3 vote of the delegates to pass and presupposes that a floor fee is permitted by the LP National Bylaws through its reference to Robert's Rules of Order. With the bylaw amendment proposed in this manner, future mandatory convention registration fees will be permitted unless 2/3 of the delegates voting in St. Louis oppose the imposition of a floor fee. While not taking a position on the legality of charging mandatory convention registration fees under the LP National Bylaws, I believe such floor fees should not be charged and that the convention packages offered should be made more attractive to encourage delegates to purchase them. I also support the formation of a fund that would enable delegates with more financial resources to help out delegates who would not be able to attend the LP National Convention without a little financial help. In the final analysis, I believe delegates selected by the state affiliates should not be asked to jump another hurdle to be credentialed to vote during the business sessions of the LP National Convention."

Dr. Tom Stevens said, "It is very important that delegates attending the LP National Convention in St. Louis over Memorial Day Weekend see this package of proposed bylaw amendments for what they are. Namely, an attempt to decrease involvement of LP members in party affairs. I call on all delegates seeking positions on the LNC and all affiliates to speak out on these proposed bylaw amendments so awareness can be raised and coordinated action can be taken to alert the delegates regarding what is at stake."

Ernie Hancock & Wayne Allyn Root Face-Off In Debate For National LP Chair

On Monday, May 10, 2010, Ernest Hancock & Wayne Allyn Root appeared at the Ukrainian East Village Restaurant located at 140 2nd Avenue in Manhattan for a meeting co-sponsored by the Manhattan Libertarian Party and the Libertarian Party of Queens County where each candidate for National LP Chair had an opportunity to present their vision for the future of the Libertarian Party.

Mr. Hancock led off with a presentation which was supposed to be about The Power of the Individual Activist but turned out instead to be a litany of his past battles with the national Libertarian Party. He mentioned the Arizona Libertarian Party's former opposition to the Unified Membership Program (UMP) and stated how the National LP tried to recognize an insurgent Libertarian Party faction out of Tucson and how eventually, the elected state leadership won in the Courts and then deliberately decided not to place Harry Browne on the ballot in Arizona as the Libertarian Party's Presidential Candidate, putting someone else on instead.

Mr. Hancock also mentioned how he came up with the "rEVOLution" logo but then refused to support Ron Paul for the Republican Presidential Nomination even though he knew Ron Paul would defend and be proud of the fact that he is a Libertarian. He also stated he would like the Libertarian Party to stick by its principles and be THE Anti-War Party. Mr. Hancock stated he has no interest in "obtaining a seat at the King's Table" and has no interest in competing for elective office with the Democrats and Republicans. His only interest is in spreading "a principled libertarian message to change people's minds" and believes "electoral success will follow as a natural result of the party's success in promoting its principles".

Mr. Hancock said "immigrants came to this country and wrapped their arms and legs around the liberty tree" and "now we are the only ones still protecting that tree". He complimented Wayne Allyn Root for being a fighter but said about his efforts, "You're scaling the ladder but it's against the wrong freakin' wall!"

When Wayne Allyn Root spoke, he set forth a vision for the Libertarian Party that was completely different from that laid out by Ernie Hancock. Mr. Root described himself as a "Big-Tent Libertarian" who, if elected National LP Chair intends to be "Rainmaker-In Chief" raising sufficient funds to make the Libertarian Party and its candidates viable and competitive throughout the country. He stated that if elected, he would ask LP candidates "to take a pledge not to accept any campaign contributions from corporations, lobbyists or unions".

Wayne Allyn Root stated, "The Purity Police have been chasing the impure away through vicious comments. It is time we welcomed more people into our ranks with a message of smaller government and more individual freedom". He said, "it does the party no good focusing on issues like the legalization of heroin that will just scare people away". Mr. Root mentioned how "important it is that we package our message in a way that will be attractive to voters". As an example, he mentioned that when the fish "grouper" was on restaurant menus, no one bought it but when they started calling it "Chilean Sea Bass", people ordered it to the point that the fish is now an endangered species. His point was that "packaging and presentation" is everything.

After the meeting, Dr. Tom Stevens, LPQC State Representative, invited nine attendees to join him at Cafe Mocha for coffee and continuing political discussions. In attendance was Alden Link, the LPNY Candidate for Lt. Governor; Carl Person, the LPNY Candidate for Attorney General; Sam Sloan, MLP State Representative; and Dallwyn Merck, LPQC Secretary. A poll was taken regarding who everyone thought won the debate. The result was unanimous. Wayne Allyn Root was declared the winner. Dr. Tom Stevens said he "fully expects Wayne Allyn Root to be elected National LP Chair" and "for the Libertarian Party to enter into a new era of growth and opportunity under Root's inspired leadership".

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Suffolk County Libertarian Party Set To Nominate Ex-Con Chris Cantwell For Congress

Despite being rejected by a mainstream Tea Party in Suffolk County and having been singled out for explicit rejection by the Republican Liberty Caucus, it appears the Suffolk County Libertarian Party is virtually certain to nominate Ex-Con Chris Cantwell for election to Congress from the 1st Congressional District, which is located entirely in Suffolk County. Even though he has not yet received the nomination of the Suffolk County Libertarian Party, the vote for which will take place on Saturday, May 15, 2010 at the SCLP Convention, Mr. Cantwell has stated: "the SCLP has already confirmed to the Chair that I am their candidate, hence my still being listed by LPUS." In that respect he is correct since Mark Axinn, the LPNY State Chair, told the national Libertarian Party to list him as the LP Candidate for Congress for the 1st C.D. and has decided to keep his name listed unless for some reason Chris Cantwell is NOT nominated as the candidate of the Suffolk County Libertarian Party at its Convention on May 15, 2010.

Jeff Grizlo, the Executive Vice-President of Rising Action who is also a Suffolk County resident, said:

I am used to people getting elected to Congress who later get arrested. It is an interesting twist in the natural order of things and certainly a change in tactics for the Suffolk County Libertarian Party to consider nominating an ex-con right up front. People deserve second chances but there are a few problems with this particular prospective candidate. While he was incarcerated in the year 2000, he has been very silent about the circumstances that surrounded his arrest and conviction. All he has said is that he did not go to prison for "good behavior" and that if he raped a 4 year old girl, he would like to think the Suffolk County Libertarians would not be considering given him their nomination. I am not so sure. In addition to being an ex-con, there is evidence that he has not been fully rehabilitated. According to recent reports, he is currently awaiting trial on a D.W.I. charge.

Finally, I recently criticized Christopher Cantwell for his stated belief that the Second Amendment to the United States Constitution as currently written gives a constitutional right to all citizens to privately own and possess nuclear weapons. For that stand, I called him Kooky Cantwell. So basically, the Suffolk County Libertarian Party is set to endorse an alcoholic, ex-con who believes everyone has a current constitutional right to own and possess nuclear weapons. Perhaps it's the Suffolk County Libertarian Party that should be called kooky!

Carl Svensson of the Republican Liberty Caucus recently singled out Chris Cantwell of all the prospective Republican Party candidates running for office in New York State this year and stated:

I do want to publicly state that I will be placing a motion before our State Board that we -- the RLCNY --should not recommend endorsing Mr.Cantwell to our National Board for their consideration.

In addition, the Conservative Society for Action, a local Tea Party group in Suffolk County, refused to allow Chris Cantwell to interview with them for possible endorsement. Yet for the Suffolk County Libertarian Party, Chris Cantwell's status as an ex-con, his upcoming D.W.I. trial and even his belief that a constitutional right currently exists for private citizens to own and possess nuclear weapons appears to be no problem.

Dr. Tom Stevens, the State Representative of the Libertarian Party of Queens County, has stated:

I think it is unfortunate and a set-back to the legitimacy of the Libertarian Party in New York State that the Suffolk County Libertarian Party is considering endorsing this man for Congress. However, it is their decision and however embarrassing this endorsement may prove to be for the Libertarian Party, democratic principles must be respected and there is no doubt the Suffolk County Libertarian Party has the right to nominate Chris Cantwell for Congress. Once they have done so, you will not hear another word from me on this issue because I would not want to bring further publicity to this pending disaster. The reason I have sought clarification with respect to why Chris Cantwell went to prison, the status of his D.W.I. trial and his belief in a current constitutional right for private citizens to own and possess nuclear weapons is that I wanted to make certain the Suffolk County Libertarian Party had accurate information about the man they are hell-bent to nominate for Congress. Once they do so, the blood will be on their hands!

Christopher Cantwell was born on November 12, 1980 and was recently elected to serve as an At-Large member of the State Committee of the Libertarian Party of New York.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Chris Cantwell Believes 2nd Amendment Permits U.S. Citizens To Own Nuclear Weapons

Chris Cantwell, who is seeking the nomination of the Suffolk County Libertarian Party and the endorsement of the Republican Liberty Caucus to run for Congress from the 1st C.D. (New York), has recently posted his belief that the 2nd Amendment currently grants a constitutional right to all citizens to privately own nuclear weapons. The Second Amendment to the United States Constitution reads as follows:

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

On May 2, 2010, Mr. Cantwell posted the following:

I’ve had the nuclear 2nd Amendment discussion before and I agree, the Constitution does not define arms, so I see legitimacy to the argument that the 2nd Amendment, as written, would provide such a protection as radical as that may be, a Constitutional Amendment defining arms would be required to outlaw private ownership of nuclear weapons.

Chris Cantwell is seeking the nomination of the Republican and Libertarian Parties to run for United States Congress from the 1st Congressional District, which is located exclusively in Suffolk County.

Jeff Grizlo, a Suffolk County resident who is also Executive Vice-President of Rising Action, said:

This guy Cantwell seems to lack common sense! The Founders could not have anticipated the creation of weapons of mass destruction. Just because the Second Amendment doesn't define "arms" doesn't mean that a Constitutional Amendment is necessary before the private ownership of nuclear weapons can be prohibited. If Kooky Cantwell ran the country, people would have the right to purchase nuclear weapons on eBay or at Amazon.com. How can anyone take this man seriously and actually consider electing him to Congress?

Dr. Tom Stevens, LPQC State Representative, said:

In fairness to Chris Cantwell, he did say he would support a Constitutional Amendment to ban the private ownership of nuclear weapons but I am concerned about Cantwell's recognition of the constitutional right of people to purchase nuclear weapons and how many such weapons will be purchased by enemies of the United States until such an amendment passes.

Chris Cantwell was recently elected at the LPNY State Convention held on Saturday, April 24, 2010 in Albany, New York to serve as an At-Large Member of the LPNY State Committee.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Alden Link Appoints Jack Roque Of Norwich As Campaign Treasurer

Alden Link, Libertarian Party Candidate for Lt. Governor of New York State in 2010, has appointed Jack Roque of Norwich, New York as his Campaign Treasurer.

After accepting the position, Mr. Roque made the following statement:

It will be an honor to support Alden Link’s campaign for NY Lieutenant Governor. An accomplished & accountable entrepreneur, Alden’s commitment to liberty, family & responsible government is lifelong & enviable. In view of the crumbling state-of-affairs in Albany & beyond, we couldn’t ask for a more appropriate candidate for the position & devotee to the principles of Libertarianism.
If we’re ever to maintain a representative government, for the People, and opportunity for our children & grandchildren, we need to collectively (& loudly) voice our objection to the interventionist policies designed, crafted & implemented by current leadership.

Government, at any level, should not be considered as the benevolent patron, a provider of solutions, but rather the support function for prevailing financial, economic, social & cultural markets.

Jack Roque has a degree in Chemistry from Binghamton University (1988), and an MBA from The Pennsylvania State University (2001), in the fields of Supply Chain & Entrepreneurship.

Jack & family, which include his wife, Jennifer, and two children, Julian, 7, and Alexandra, 5, reside in Norwich, a vibrant town nestled among the beautiful rolling hills of south central NY.