On January 26, 2010, the Objectivist Party of Georgia adopted the following platform, which has been uploaded to the Affiliate Platforms section of the Objectivist Party website at http://www.objectivistparty.com/
FREE MARKET CAPITALISM: We advocate a completely free market with no government interference. We oppose tariffs, embargoes, rent controls, wage controls, corporate taxes and all other forms of government interference in private businesses. We oppose any and all legislation which forces or "encourages" employers to hire employees based on any standard other than their ability to perform the required tasks (e.g. affirmative action). We oppose any and all legislation which forces banks to lend money to unqualified candidates (e.g. the Community Reinvestment Act). We oppose all government bureaucracy which interferes with the rights of individual citizens to contract freely with businesses and individuals of their choice (e.g. the Food and Drug Administration), and we radically oppose the socialization of ANY industry in the United States and its territories, especially the health care industry.
TAXATION: We advocate a flat-rate income tax at both the Federal and State levels. We oppose all sales tax, property tax and progressive income tax structure. We radically oppose all tax-funded welfare programs, including but not limited to medicare, medicaid, government subsidized housing, and food stamps.
EDUCATION: In order to reduce the burden of taxation on citizens who do not have children, and to raise the overall standard of achievement in our nation's schools and universities, we advocate the gradual dissolution of the public school system in favor of privately funded education.
IMMIGRATION: We support the right of all countries to control their own borders and to set the conditions immigrants must meet in order to obtain permanent residence and citizenship. We would give state law enforcement officials the power to enforce immigration law and to deport illegal aliens. We would grant immigration preferences to those with special skills, to those who would create jobs and to those who ideologically support free enterprise and respect for individual rights.
GAY RIGHTS: We oppose all forms of prejudicial discrimination, including discrimination based on sexual orientation. We advocate the immediate and unconditional legalization of gay marriage nationwide, and condemn the United States Military's "Don't ask, don't tell" policy.
VICTIMLESS CRIMES: We advocate the immediate and unconditional legalization of gambling, prostitution, marijuana, alcohol and tobacco use for all individuals aged 18 years or older. We also call for the gradual legalization of other narcotics with restrictions (no driving under the influence, no using in the vicinity of children, no sale to minors, etc.) for all individuals aged 18 years or older. We advocate the right of adults to willfully engage in any activity that does not negatively affect others.
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