Mosheh Thezion (a/k/a Luis Correa) has published a brief biography so Libertarian Party members can get to know him better. I recommend you read it. I found it quite interesting. One conclusion you will draw is Mosheh Thezion is a very honest man.
In his biography, you will learn how in college, he "suffered the pain of being in love with a wild and loose lesbian (named Tonya) he could not win" and how during his teens and twenties, he smoked "pounds and pounds of marijuana", drank alcohol, did cocaine and was, for seven years a methamphetamine addict. He admits to being a "very sinful young man" who has been convicted of numerous crimes, including car theft, drug possession, trespassing and endless petty traffic offenses". He says he engaged in "loose sexual and moral behaviors with friends" and "had the habit of listening to his own personal devil and when he consulted his own personal angel for a difference of opinion, his angel was stoned out of his mind".
In the end, his is a story of redemption. He has "repented for his past behavior and sins", formed The Empirical Church (of which he is the only active member), and obtained an Associates Degree in Electronic Engineering from the ITT Technical Institute. He admits he is not worthy and "is less than the dirt on the bottom of your shoes". Nevertheless, he is willing to serve if you find his candidacy compelling.
Mosheh Thezion's biography is reprinted here:
"I was born on July 16, 1969 at 12:36 in the afternoon. When I was born, my parents, immigrants from Colombia, had not chosen a name for me as yet, and having no choice my mother gave my father's middle name, and so they put Fabio Correa on my birth certificate, and then, five minutes later, my father showed up and I was renamed Luis Edwardo Correa, because my Grandmother told everyone in the family that my name would be Luis, but they never fixed the birth certificate, and yet somehow got all my records as Luis, including Social Security, which while supposedly impossible was somehow done without changing the birth certificate, meaning I have two legal identities. And learning this as a teenager, it caused an identity crisis, and then, a Jewish Girlfriend's mother, who did not like the fact that I was not Jewish, insisted that my name was Moshe, and called me Moshe everyday, and always asked, "Where is Moshe?" and if asked, she would insist that my name was not Luis, but was instead, Moshe, and eventually it grew on me, and I eventually adopted it, as Mosheh (sounds better) as a third name, to solve for my lack of clear identity.
The other name of Thezion, comes from Don Mclean's, American Pie album, and eventually, I adopted the name of Mosheh Thezion, which eventually became Mosheh Eesho Muhammad Al-faraj Thezion, because more often than not, people assumed I was Jewish, and while there is a family rumor of some Jewish ancestors, it is so distant that I can never claim any Jewish heritage and would never be accepted as a Jew, and am for the most part a mutt with Spanish, Portuguese, South American Indian, and perhaps some unconfirmed Jewish blood.
As a young man, I grew up with an Atheist Father who is responsible for inspiring my interest in the sciences by always handing me credible popular science magazines, and a Religious mother, who tried her best to inspire the basic concepts of religion, yet, I was as a child, rather naive and absorbed little of any of it, while sure I remember the stuff, and it did affect me, but I lacked any real understanding of it other than to say I knew what the words meant, and rarely absorbed cultural things unless it came from repetitive influences from my best friend, which was the Television, and as such I grew up ignorant of most concepts of religious morality, even though my mother and grand-mother would often drag me to Catholic Church, yet in doing so, I was unable to absorb much of anything from it other than a few key ideas which have stuck with me. And having extreme Asthma as a child, I could not go out and play, and spent most of my childhood channel surfing the Television, and at one point had the entire TV guide memorized, and I watched not only cartoons, but the news, and various TV programming of the 70's all of which left me woefully ill equipped to deal with my own adolescence, as I was most often, a shut in, due to my asthma.
At the age of 9-10, I remember asking God, in tears, why there is so much trouble in the world, and it was for myself as if the lord had reached down and removed the cover from my eyes, which I now identify as an Epiphany of understanding, where by the clarity of the problems of our world was made clear, however the solutions were still very lacking.
As a teenager, with the development of raging hormones, and surging testosterone, I got in trouble often enough, and can honestly say, I was a very sinful young man, and I began to use drugs. In fact the truth is, I have used more drugs than I can possibly describe, pounds and pounds of Marijuana, Cocaine, Methamphetamine, and Alcohol etc... and intoxication became a daily norm, which continued into my twenties, and along the way, I fell victim to my own personal devil time and time again, and am guilty of many many sins, in many forms, and was convicted of numerous crimes, including car theft (Convicted of Joy riding, however, I never intended to steal a car, but as I ran away from home, having a heavy bag, and no money, I happened to find a car with keys in it, and wrongly took the opportunity.), then also drug possession, trespassing, and endless petty traffic offenses, to name a few.
(But I have never hurt anyone! I don't even like killing bugs.)
So basically, I was never a perfect citizen, and was lost in a drugged haze of confused perverted freedom and loose sexual and moral behavior with friends who more often than not were just as loose in standards as I was, and in decision making was all too often in the habit of listening to my personal devil, and when I turned to my personal angel for a difference of opinion, more often than not, my angel was stoned out of his mind, and could only shrug his shoulders, and gave no arguments to the proposals of my devil. And so, I tell you, the American people, that indeed, I am not worthy of office, and I make no claim of being such, and can only express to you, that eventually, I saw the light and found religion, and repented for my sins, and gave up my sinful ways.
In my late teens and early twenties, being completely bored and frustrated with the slow pace of College, and because of the pain of being in love with a wild and loose lesbian who's love I could not win, I began to use Methamphetamine (7 years) in a daily effort to lose myself in the pursuit of the only thing more interesting than her, which was mother nature herself (science), and while having no hope of success, I adapted myself to the OCD condition of pursuing all her secrets, by attempting to develop a Unifying Field Theory, to which I had no real hope of attaining, and for myself, it was the pursuit which mattered, because as long as I pursued nature and science as a love, I was free of my obsession with Tonya the lesbian. Eventually To my utter shock, after spending years in libraries, and writing 7000 pages of hand written notes, I developed what I believe to be that Unifying Field Theory, the ramifications of which has lead me here to build this web site, to run for office, and work on world wide solution plans for the problems which plague humankind. And in 2000 / 2001 I ventured to get an Associates degree from ITT Technical Institute, and graduated Valedictorian in electronic engineering, for use in developing personal projects.
This recognition of the potential for a God as a creator, had a profound effect on my mind, and led to the further study of religion, and my repentance for my past behaviors and sins, and provided the essence of strength to which I used to begin an analysis of behavior and the how and the why I had been so weak in the past and had sinned so often, and this resulted in marked changes in my beliefs, and thus my attitudes, and so my behavior, to which I am most grateful. Faith, can be a very powerful thing, and with the development of Unifying Field Theory, faith became a matter of evidence, and not just acceptance, and with it, doubt, can be removed in volume.
Eventually, I was walking in Hollywood CA, and as I walked, a wheel chair bound, crippled homeless woman, stopped in the middle of a side street, on Sunset Blvd, right besides a large Catholic Church, And crawled down from her wheel chair onto the floor of the side street, and she screamed to the passing Mercedes and other cars, "arrggghh.... I don't care!!!!" And then to my horror, she bent down, and began to drink from the gutter.
At that moment, all the words of Jesus came flooding back to me, and began to reverberate in my skull, and at that moment I knew what I must do, and that was to dedicate myself to finding a long term solution to this very real problem of not only our own nation but the entire world. That night, I began to form a new church, so as to address this core issue, of compassion and love and family, as described by Jesus, the Bible and most world religions... See---- >
To be able to embrace the whole world, I created a pluralist religious order, based on a foundation of science and religious faith, as derived from consideration of my Unifying Field Theory, and organized it, to fulfill the sacerdotal function of love and family, instead of the typical effort of worship, prayer and preaching.
To this day, it is but infantile in it's form, and as of yet, I am it's only active member, yet I am hopeful for it's long term eventual development.
Immediately, after writing it's foundation and building it's web site, I came to quickly see it's limitations, as while it could serve one percent 1% of our nation, it could not solve the underlying problems of our stagnant economies, and the entrenched problems of our world, and if it was to grow in size, and attempt to do so, it could only do so, by replacing the governments of our world, and in doing so, would become a problem in itself, and always there would be those who desire and deserve the free market and the non-religious freedom of the secular world economy, and would see such a church order, as a theocratic oppressive force, and since my concern is for all human kind, I began to consider larger scale solutions for the vast world wide problems of economic poverty and how we as a whole could solve not only the problem of the poorest of the poor but of the whole world, and eventually, I believe I developed an adequate solution for these problems as well. Which if implemented would end all world poverty, and allow such a church to serve it's core function of helping the meekest of the meek, rather than attempting large scale control and solution efforts.
After several years of writing abundant (sometimes insulting) letters to every nation on earth, concerning these economic solution plans, and being completely ignored, it has dawned on me, that if such solution plans are to be implemented then I must do so myself, as I cannot expect the politicians as they stand to do much of anything. Since, for the past 80 years, they have allowed the robbing of our freedom, and have sold our people out to foreign powers, and on the whole seem to suffer from a complete lack of vision. The same of which can be said of the International Bankers, and whom ever is advising them, since their methodology is nothing more than an extension of the same old world enslavement tactics, under the disguise of world wide corporate nation status out of the U.N. and funded by complicated banking schemes of power and control. All of which is highly flawed and limited to say the least. And I have devoted myself to the effort of offering the powers that be a much more effective means of accomplishing the same goals of world government, but using polar opposite methods such as ending all world debt, ending all world poverty, expanding the free market, restoring real freedom, and building a proper future destiny of prosperity for our species, and making money doing it.
So let it be clearly known, that I do not consider myself as being worthy of public office, in fact it will not be difficult for my opponents to attack me and to degrade my image, as the truth be told, rather than suggest to you that I am morally superior, or an intellectual elite, or deserving of leading you, I prefer to humble myself and say clearly, that I am less than the dirt on the bottom of your shoes, and should not be considered as being anything but that, and I would make no claim of being better than any other human, or worthy of being your leader.. no.. If anything I am applying for the job of President in 2012, so that I may be your humble servant, literally. I ask to be your servant, not your leader, and everything I try to do is to try and help my people.
I am running for office, simply because I have no choice, because we have lost the Constitution as law, and our present politicians seem completely incapable of solving for these many entrenched problems, and I am compelled beyond my ability to stop myself to stand and try and do something about it.
The truth is, I lived my life as a foul sinner, and I am still technically a sinner, but I have found God in my life, and I have repented for my sins and past behavior and I can only hope it is enough to save my soul. And in this life, I recognize Jesus as lord of this earth, and feel that it is the role and purpose of the religious people of our earth to take steps to wrestle it away from the hands of Satan, which all too often has been in charge.
Today, I am engaged to marry the most wonderful, kind, and beautiful woman I have ever met on earth, and I would express that I quit smoking Tobacco cold turkey, over 4 years ago, and will never under any circumstances smoke again, as these substances bring no benefit to a persons life, and are literally like chains which enslave us, either to chemicals, or bad habits of behavior, and knowing the pains of addiction, I honestly feel, I can help others in dealing with their consumptive problems.
The key to overcoming addiction is to recognize how it stands in the way of doing better things, and to want those better things, and to learn to hate the chains which bind us to our failures. And break those chains.
For considerations in recognition of the challenge of overcoming personal evil. It will not be an easy battle, and it cannot happen over night, but together human kind as a species, can learn to lock up our personal devils, and set humanity free of the burden of sin, while at the same time, allowing for the freedom of the individual to make their own decisions, without force, or needing abundant legislation to enforce morality, since those values should be taught as common place, and easily promoted in our schools, prisons, and on every street corner in a general sense, by the media at large.
So, while I have indeed lived as a sinner, with very loose liberal values, it is that life and the recognition of it's flaws, which has converted me, and turned me into the conservative which I am today, because loose liberal values has lead our nation into social norms of heavy drug abuse, loose sexual behavior, open sin, the killing of the un-born, a degradation of marriage, and the promotion of values and concepts which are themselves inherently satanic, meaning in essence, the concept of freedom has been perverted into meaning freedom from responsibility, shame, and guilt, and God, and that is NOT freedom, and is instead, enslavement to Satanic concepts and bad brainwashing by our loose media and secular educational systems.
But I am here to say, it's not too late.
I do not stand before you, and come to you as a worthy man, and you should know that instead, I come before you as a man, who is humbled by my own faults, shamed by my own sins, and guilty of my own crimes against myself, my God, and my people, and I can never wash away those sins, and they are like black stains on my soul which can never be washed away. But, the bad behavior, and bad habits, CAN be overcome, and I promote very clear ways to help all my brothers and sisters overcome their negative tendencies and habits.
All I can do, is try to be my best, by fighting for what I know to be right, and that is why I run for office, as an attempt to do and be the best I can be, by helping my people, instead of just hiding in a corner, or standing in public office like most politicians, and accepting things the way they are. (Things today, are not as they should be or could be.)
Just because we have sinned, and made mistakes, does not mean we should give up, give in, and accept what is wrong, in our lives, our environment, or our nation and politics. We must fight on.
The Constitution must be restored as the rule of law, and with it, the common law freedom it provides, where our government has limits, and where people are expected to be gentlemen and ladies, and where morality is common place, and sin and loose ways are no longer mainstream in our schools, our media, and most especially in our daily lives, and the lives of our children.
I may not be very strong, but I will try as I am able, I will try to help solve our worlds problems, and if anyone has a problem with that, then let them challenge the worth of my proposals for solution, and if they cannot find real flaw, then by all that is reasonable and logical, they, you, and all human kind should support these efforts, for if you elect someone else, you will get what you vote for."
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