Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Dr. Tom Stevens Elected To Serve As LPQC State Representative To The New York Libertarian Party

At the Annual Convention of the Libertarian Party of Queens County held on Saturday, January 14, 2012 at Bohemian Hall in Astoria, New York, Dr. Tom Stevens was unanimously re-elected to serve as the LPQC State Representative to the New York Libertarian Party.

Dr. Stevens served as LPQC State Representative from April 24, 2004 to June 27, 2010, when he resigned his Life Membership in the New York Libertarian Party. John Clifton then served as LPQC State Representative from June 27, 2010 through November 13, 2010 followed by Carl Person, who served from November 13, 2010 to January 8, 2011. At the LPQC Annual Convention held on January 8, 2011, Dr. Tom Stevens was again unanimously elected by the delegates in attendance to serve as LPQC State Representative to the New York Libertarian Party..

Because of ongoing political battles within the New York Libertarian Party, Dr. Stevens will not be able to vote on the State Committee. However, the Libertarian Party of Queens County continues to protest the lack of due process that led to the current impasse and has formally taken the position that Dr. Stevens should be recognized as a voting member of the NYLP's State Committee.

This is the second time attacks on the Libertarian Party of Queens County have prevented its State Representative from voting on the NYLP State Committee. The first such instance occurred from December 3, 2006 when the State Committee de-chartered the LPQC to April 28, 2007 when the delegates in attendance at the 2007 NYLP Annual State Convention re-chartered it.

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