Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Dallwyn Merck: Loyal & Committed Objectivist Party Activist

Dallwyn Merck joined the Objectivist Party on February 2, 2008 on which date he was elected to serve as a member of the Governing Board. On June 7, 2008, the Objectivist Party of New York was chartered. At its organizational meeting, Dallwyn Merck was elected Secretary of the Objectivist Party of New York. Mr. Merck continues to serve in both capacities and has been a loyal and committed Objectivist Party member.

On February 2, 2009, Dallwyn Merck was active in promoting the celebration of Ayn Rand's birthday and on May 8, 2009, he promoted increased recognition of Free Trade Day. Mr. Merck continues to be a regular presence at General Membership Meetings of the Objectivist Party of New York.

The Objectivist Party is proud to have Dallwyn Merck as a leader and freedom crusader!

In Liberty,

Dr. Tom Stevens
Objectivist Party

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